Dear [Hosting Company], Thank you for your message entitled [SUBJECT]...

This morning, Rackspace sent out a mass-email to all their customers, with an embarrassing gaffe right in the opening line.....


We know that for some people, Super Bowl Sunday is a big day! Whether you are watching the game with friends and family, your business may truly depend on it. If Super Bowl XLV affects your online business between now and Sunday, February 6th, The Rackspace Cloud Team would like to help you through that traffic spike!

Oh Boy! Don't you feel special (FIRST NAME)? Rackspace is speaking directly to you (FIRST NAME)! Oh my. Lets try that again shall we? How can Rackspace save face? Lets try an adlib mail!

Dear (spammed customers)
We at (adjective) Rackspace are really (profanity) sorry for the (adverb) mail we sent this (adjective) morning, we really (*BLEEEEP*) screwed up. Sorry!

No, they did us one better actually, they sent this email:


(Oops, that's what got me in trouble the first time---isn't it?)

My name is Adam Hansen and I love getting to know our customers here at Rackspace! I have had a chance to get to know many of you today after an email I sent this morning that had “Dear [FIRST NAME]” in the header.

I made an unfortunate mistake and wanted to apologize to you all for it. I would love to tell you that this is the first time in my life I have made a mistake, or that it's the last. I think we both know better--I have fingers that look like little sausages, see below.

I know you count on Rackspace for many reasons, and attention to detail is one. I hope I haven't diminished your confidence in us. If I can make it up to you, please let me know! My contact information is below.

Adam Hansen

P.S. Just look at that meat hook I call a hand!

My god, that sausage fingered thing is bigger than my laptop. Wonder if he can deliver backrubs?

OK then. Dear (FIRST NAME) at (Hosting Company), a picture is worth more than (int(4)) words. We're cool.

Adland® is supported by your donations alone. You can help us out by buying us a Ko-Fi coffee.
Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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rjamestaylor's picture

I work at Rackspace and we were aghast that the #FormFail occured. Mainly because we try to make sure we have a personal relationship with our customers and this didn't match that at all. Worse, perhaps, the message was lost in the "form". While following up one email blast with another is generally bad form, Adam "Meat Hands" Hansen's response was just right so I'm glad we pushed that out.

If you're not feeling the personal connection with us after receiving the "mad lib message" this morning, please feel free to call me, personally. It's all right, I love talking to customers all the time: +1.210.548.5616.

Oh, yes, my nickname is really "Robot" which is a sweet irony today :)

Robert J Taylor
Sr Sys Engineer
Manager, Realtime Customer Intervention
Rackspace Hosting

TF: 800.961.4454 x 501-5505
O: 210.312.5505
M: 210.548.5616