Todays lovely internet-detour is dear blank please blank. "Smart you" probably meant to write abstain not sustain on the Mexican salsa advice... Or "smart you" isn't all that smart to begin with, I mean "dumb you" hasn't learned that salsa is hot yet.... But there's more on the site, and some are quite funny. Now, bored adfolks, spend some minutes snarking a dear blank please blank and submit them here so we can all laugh at our miserable lives together.
The Zombie apocalypse has already written one.
Dear blank please blank:
You do realize this meme has a shorter shelf life than tuna fish left in
a car's trunk in August?
Sincerely, just checking.
Here's an Ad one:
Dear account people:
Last time I checked, the agency pays your salary. Not the client.
Sincerely, every creative department in the world.
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