David "where's my jetpack" punks Humongo nation

We had fun baby-sitting Brandflakesforbreakfast these past weeks, and now that Darryl is back, he calls us the three greatest bloggers on earth, aw, shucks. Oops, looks like we've sent Brandflakes higher up on the power150 chart, since they have a better collective intellect ranking than us, whatever that is. I know from watching the tour that Humongo had a great time too. Next year can I come, pretty please?

But it looks like the most fun was had by Dave Wilkie ( @jetpacks ) of Where's my jetpack blog fame. He messed with the crew as they were filming for Humongo Nation by setting off his noisy weed whacker as soon as they pressed record. Then he introduced himself as "Ronnie the landscaper", quizzed the Humongo crew about energy drinks, if he could get a free T-shirt, and strung Darryl and crew along until the reveal when he showed his "Where's my jetpack" t-shirt. Ha!

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