Dave Goes to Skåne video diaries from Glue, London.

The Denver Egotist just nudged me with a piece 'Especially for you' - it's the Dave goes to Skåne campaign created by Glue, London. Wait, wha? Skåne? That's where I am!

Dave mocks our beaches, our arty installations in the woods, our countryside, Malmö's architecture and food markets. Dave doesn't seem to fancy Skåne much. That's alright Dave, you stay in smoggy ol' London while me and my mates rock out totally gratis to Beach House, Lady Sovereign, El Perro del Mar, Henok Achido, Rigmor Gustafsson, The Embassy, Stefan Sundström, Johnossi, Crooked Still, Loney Dear, Salem Al Fakir and Andi Almqvist at Malmöfestivalen without you. Neener.

Dave Goes to Skåne - Stones

Dave Goes to Skåne - Art

Dave Goes to Skåne - Beach

Dave Goes to Skåne - Malmö.

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