Dairy Farmers of Ontario (Canada) TV spots

Found two brilliant spots for milk today and thought I'd share the link. They're on itaintrocketscience.ca, apparently a freelancer in Toronto with a fair bit of agency experience. Never heard of it/him before.

Damn I wish I worked with interesting clients.

The link is: if you want to go straight to the spots in question

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Plywood's picture

If I or my partner came up with those ideas we'd quickly kill them before anybody found out we'd thought of them.
I don't understand why you'd think they were brilliant.

GhostintheMachine's picture

Because they're perfectly executed to look exactly like 1) hip-hop and 2) sk8r videos so they will get the attention of the target market. Because they don't lose sight of their client or the product being marketed while doing so. And because they manage to do both with a sense of humour. That's a very difficult trifecta. Advertising to the youth market is a minefield. Often you see advertisers simply co-opt elements of the culture and hope some of it rubs off, but instead it's obvious and painful to watch. Either it's embarrassing or insulting. These ones have just enough of a sense of humour to them to be appealing.

Really, what else do you want from an ad except to deliver the message the client wants to say in a way that the intended target is willing to accept?

Dabitch's picture

I thouht they were pretty funny.

However, I think they'd be scoring more funny-points (and reality points) on skipping the female models dancing in the ads, and hired some actual femmes from farms to try the moves. The girls feel really wrong somehow.