The Czech is in the Mall - Český sen = "Czech dream" mall was a hoax!

Film students Filip Remunda and Vit Klusak fooled 1,000 people into coming to a nonexistent mall. Or "hYpermarket" as they dubbed it.

Remunda and Klusák invented the Český sen ("Czech dream") mall and created a massive advertising campaign around it. The film students successfully convinced an ad agency and a public relations agency to create a campaign for them by pretending to be businessmen. The campaign included billboards on Czech highways, the distribution of 200,000 pamphlets in Prague, a recorded jingle, and a series of television commercials. The slogans for the advertising campaign were "don't come" and "don't spend," among others.

from article:

To explore the power of advertising, Film Academy (FAMU) students Filip Remunda and Vit Klusak set out to build the largest spoof ad campaign the country has ever seen. Ad spots were broadcast on Czech Television (CT) and on the radio for Cesky Sen, and the public transportation system displayed posters. Flyers were distributed to unsuspecting passersby.

CZECH DREAM documents the largest consumer hoax the Czech Republic has ever seen. Filip Remunda and Vit Klusak, two of Eastern Europe's most promising young documentary filmmakers, set out to explore the psychological and manipulative powers of consumerism by creating an ad campaign for something that didn't exist.

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