Creative's in-joke or did we miss something?

The new online campaign for Scion iQ has us all a bit perplexed.
And not in a good way.
Perhaps it was just an in-joke gone awry.
The puns begin with the car doing donuts. And people eating donuts. Right. But what's with the milk? Double visual entendre starts with the fact that they're at Randy's Donuts. Girls in bikinis with white liquid all over them. Check.

Then there's the cops and donuts joke, yeah, yeah. But bikers? And I guess the dudes were to balance out the bikini-clad girls (although they seemed more like juiced up Jersey Shore rejects).
All I got was that "the cops last longer" (hee hee) joke - because the girls in the backseat are ill at the first roundabout but in the cops vs donuts, the cops kinda still manage to drink their milk throughout. Hence "cops last longer"?
Only interesting thing to note is that their professional driver is in every video. She makes a nice biker.

Cops and Donuts!

Babes and Donuts!

Dudes and Donuts!

Scion - Bikers and Donuts

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The car is called IQ. Watching these ads actually lowers anyones IQ. Please do not do any repeat viewing.