Contours Baby "Stroller Test-Ride" (2016) 1:47 (USA)

Since your baby can't talk, it can't tell you if it enjoys the stroller ride. To remedy this, Contours Baby created a life-sized replica of its storller and took adults for a ride to see what they thought of it. Cute idea.

Client: Contours Baby Strollers
Agency: FCB Chicago
Todd Tilford / FCB Chicago / Chief Creative Officer / Chief Creative Officer
Max Geraldo / FCB Chicago / SVP, Executive Creative Director / Creative
John Bleeden / FCB Chicago / SVP, Executive Creative Producer / Producer
Gustavo Dorietto / FCB Chicago / VP, Creative Director / Art Director
Sue Salvi / FCB Chicago / Writer / writer
Megan Kellie / FCB Chicago / Writer / writer
Tim Mason / FCB Chicago / Writer
Todd Durston / FCB Chicago / Writer
Kelley Varga / FCB Chicago / Senior Producer / producer
Hollie Platte / FCB Chicago / SVP, Management Director / account
Robert Stockwell / Cinema Libertad/ Director / Editor
Lauren Walker / Cinema Libertad / Producer
Ira Amyx / Hero Solutions / Prop Fabricator
Jay Neander / Hero Solutions / Prop Fabricator

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