Community Films has welcomed renowned directing duo Ben/Dave to their growing roster of talent. They join an impressive assembly of directorial creatives, which includes: Seth Gordon, Jared Hess, Pam Thomas, Clay Williams, Emil Möller, Marius Crowne, Clay Tweel, Albert Uria, Aleysa Young, and John Wikstrom.
“Before signing with Lizzie and Carl, we examined both their teeth for signs of health and longevity, and carefully counted all of their fingers and toes,” jokes Ben/Dave. “We don’t remember the final total, but it seemed like there were enough for basic pointing and thumbs-up functions. That was pretty much our whole vetting process. Of course, we also noted Community’s small, well-curated roster of directors we like and admire. Plus the fact that there were dogs everywhere, which honestly seemed like a cheap shot at winning us over. Whatever, it worked.”
“Ben and Dave do hilarious work, and we are totally psyched to have them as part of Community,” shares Partner/EP Lizzie Schwartz. “They are incredibly nice people, and the Community dogs liked them - which sealed the deal,” adds Partner/EP Carl Swan. “We cannot wait to make lots of awesome connections with them and help take their work to an even higher level.”
The directing duo is made up of Ben Hurst and Dave Thomas, who met in Salt Lake City while Thomas was an agency creative director and Hurst was directing commercials. They joined forces on several projects shortly after and consider themselves to be “the world’s teamiest, most directory commercial directing team” – providing strategy, innovation and humor to their work. Ben/Dave have produced work for a diverse array of clients including Pepsi, Bowlmor/AMF, Honda, Samsung, Progressive Insurance, Heinz and GE.