Come get your copy copied here.

AdHacks has "stocky copy to go". Oh sorry, I meant stock copy to go.
All you writers who have been so envious of us art and designers in the past when we get to play with all those stock books, now you too can get to feel the thrill of limited choice!
Zing, gotcha, it's just a joke from Chicago Blue Ant, but they might have been a tad inspired by such lovely site as this one; HeadLine Creator Pro, a real program that creates headlines for you! No more pesky copywriters and their silly needs like salary, time off and dental plans. Just fire up Headline Creator Pro and get killer headlines instantly! It's so easy a 7-year old child can use it! Extra exclamation marks not included!

Adland® is supported by your donations alone. You can help us out by buying us a Ko-Fi coffee.
Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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caffeinegoddess's picture

hah! Nice find Dab. :)

Dabitch's picture

While a copwriter might take 3-7 days the Headline Creator Pro does it in 17 Seconds! amazing!


caffeinegoddess's picture

Apparently Marketing Drive ( created the Headline Creator Pro thingy- their website states that they are a promotional marketing firm. Which would seem to me that if they are creating such a "device", they are also taking away work from themselves. Smart. ;)

AnonymousCoward's picture

Is the headline creator a real program? I was just flipping around, and it lets you enter your credit card number. Am I slow, or are they?

Dabitch's picture

Real, or elaborate scam designed to steal suits money? You decide! More exclamation points! yeah! That felt great!

It's real, uh-huh.

deeped's picture

There is easier ways to steal suits' money :)

ernieschenck's picture

I once had three months to do a TV campaign. Three months. That, of course, was then. This is now. Is it me or have deadlines gotten tighter than a Barbara Streisand facelift? But hey, now there's Headline Creator Pro to save our sorry butts! You know, this gives me an idea for a column. What if I get the program and actually try it out on a real client, see what happens. Maybe even enter it in a show somewhere. See how far it goes. What do you think?

Dabitch's picture

Yes... Yess!

Oh, and bill the client for the program + 15%. ;))

caffeinegoddess's picture

I went off on a rant about the Headline Creator on my blog when I heard about it.

Maybe we should come up with a program that creates briefs or media buys. Hell, it would make a lot more sense. ;)

Dabitch's picture

Hehehe.. I know someone that should get it. He's one of of those Account Consecutives - setting every client on teh same media-track and plan. Prime-time 15 second telly, bus shelter, bus shelter and bus shelter, again and again. and again. and again. argh!