Coke / Coca-Cola - Mean Joe Greene / Hey Kid, catch! - long (1980) - 0:60 (USA)

Mean Joe Greene gets nice after drinking Coke. Aaaaaw.

This ad was first aired on 1 September 1979 - it made its super bowl debut in 1980 and aired once more during the super bowl in 1981.

Client: Coke/ Coca Cola
Principal talent: Mean Joe Greene and child Tommy Okon
Ad agency: McCann-Erickson
Art director: Roger Mosconi
Copywriter: Penny Hawkey
Jingle Singers: Jim Campbell, Don Thomas, Liz Corrigan, Shellie Littman, Arlene Martell, and Linda November.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Mets82's picture

This commercial is ok. I understand why people think it's great but I've seen better. How did a kid get past security? Why didn't anybody stop him?

Allan1's picture

This was 1980. [And that kid is in his late 30's (or early 40's) by now!]

Security was not that tight in most places, and kids were encouraged to get closer to the players. If you review the ad, you'll see a lot of people in the entrance to that ramp.

And, Mean Joe Green was leaving the field, dejected and hurt. No one cared.

Nowadays, people would be arresting the kid's parents for allowing him to wander alone in the stadium. It's dangerous out there!

Dabitch's picture

If commercials were like real life, they'd be called documentaries.

hunter.blatherer's picture

Ladies and gentlemen: I give you the very first steroid dealer on NFL grounds!