Coke / Coca-Cola - Mean Joe Green (1981) - 0:30 (USA)

This ad was first aired on 1 September 1979 - it made its super bowl debut in 1980 and aired once more during the super bowl in 1981.

Coke / Coca Cola
Principal talent: Mean Joe Green and child Tommy Okon
Art director : Roger Mosconi
Copywriter: Penny Hawkey
Jingle Singers: Jim Campbell, Don Thomas, Liz Corrigan, Shellie Littman, Arlene Martell, and Linda November.

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Mets82's picture

This is the famous spot with "Mean" Joe Greene and Coke. It's a great spot and one of the best Super Bowl ads. One thing I would like to know. How did that kid make it to the locker room. Don't you think security would have stopped him?

tod.brody's picture

Everyone knows that when you have a Coke in your hand, anything is possible!!!

Dabitch's picture

Opens more doors than a master key!

TDD's picture

It was the '80s.

"Happiness is overrated."

James M. Davis Esquire's picture

Does anyone know where to get a copy of the hour long TV movie made off of that coke commercial? I have looked everywhere and no luck!

James M. Davis Esquire's picture

I would appreciate any help!