Claro - Extra Minutes - (2014) 1:45 (Costa Rica)

Ogilvy Costa Rica has Claro pre-pay as their client, and realized that wooing the notoriously unloyal pre-pay cell customers to a specific brand was going to be a tough call. Especially to a new brand in Costa Rica. To make the brief tougher, Claro wanted to enter the soccer world through sponsorships. ... In the midst of all those bright logos and sponsorships, how could a pre-pay cellphone brand stand out and deliver the message about their minutes?

Mid-game Ogilvy looked at the officials electronic scoreboard, and realized so does everyone else. Now the 4th referee who announces the extra game time, also gives away the extra minutes of every Saprissa game to Claro prepaid users, to talk about the match. Kind of brilliant, guys.

Ad agency: Ogilvy Costa Rica

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