Churchill Insurance "Depend on the dog" (2016) :30 (UK)

Churchill Insurance's new campaign launch features a talking dog. And a talking soft-top convertible car who doesn't have time to be broke down you see, because she's got a hot date with a 4x4 rover later. The rover drives past and oh, now she looks a right fool, but the good news is, Churchie and his insurance mates will have her back on the road in no time.

Client: Churchill Insurance
Agency: WCRS
Creative Director: Orlando Warner
Creatives: Rosanna Walker, Chris Da Roza
Agency Producer: Victoria Dashwood-Quick, Nosisa Majuqwana
Account Handling: Emma Marsland, Carolina Gutierrez-Vargas, Joss Hunt, Katie Briefel
Planning: Elisa Edmonds, Alicia Gaworska
Media Agency: MediaCom
Production Company: Blinkink
Director/Animator: Joseph Mann
DoP: Ed Tucker
Producer: Josh Smith
Editor: Max Windows @ Stitch
Post-Production: Finish
Audio: Angell Sound
Colourist: Duncan Russell
VFX Shoot Supervisor: Andy Copping

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