Church of Sweden re-brands its 4.000 sub brands

The Swedish agency go.garbergs is working with the Church of Sweden and their brand(s). The mission is to make the CoS' 4.000 brands into one.

The Church of Sweden is a "national" church, until a couple of years ago it was the Church of the State of Sweden. During the years since Gustav Wasa the Church of Sweden has been the national moral and religious guide but now the Swedes, known as the most secular people in the world, is free to choose to be member or not. Still about 85% of the Swedes are members but the stats is decreasing.

Church of Sweden started a colloboration with Audumbla Pilots, who then was renamed go.pilots and now is a part of the go.garbergs. The agency is the hot-shop of Sweden, they work with a plethora of the biggest brands in Sweden.

Analysts with knowledge of the CoS is skeptical: the problem is that the brands of the church is hard to change and the "theological fundament" is pretty mosaic. They seem two problems: 1. The heritage of being the church of the State and 2. The double standards on marketing and economic issues due to the theological fundamentals.

A former priest in the CoS, nowadays working in the 'Mammonic' biz of marketing says:
"I hope go.garbergs is getting paid good, 'cause they will be frustrated when aware of the Church's inabilities to change.".

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