Chicago White Sox - Beard - (2009 ) :30 (USA)

Energy BBDO teaches us that "There are traditions. And there are White Sox traditions." Bonus trivia: over here in Sweden, hockey fans do that beard growing thing.

Chicago White Sox: Beard :30

Client: Chicago White Sox
Agency: EnergyBBDO
Chief Creative Officer: Dan Fietsam
Creative Director: Mike Roe
Art Director: Isabela Ferreira
Copywriter: Jonathan Ozer
Director of Film and Digital Production: Brigette Whisnant
Agency Producer: Maria Xerogianes
Director: Brian Billow
Production Company: Hungry Man
Executive Producer: Cindy Becker
Line Producer: Rick Rosemeyer
Director of Photography: Kurt Brandstetter
Editorial Company: Cutters
Editor: John Dingfield
Producer for Cutters: Patrick Casey
Graphics: Sol Design
Motion Graphics Designer: Michelle Timpone
Finish Editor: Steve Wood
Executive Producer for Sol Design: Neal Cohen
Sound Design: Dave Gerbosi
Mix: Another Country
Mixer: Dave Gerbosi

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