Check out my breasts!

Fashion Targets Breast Cancer and Rethink demonstrate how to check your breasts, or, considering the url and the gal, the breasts of someone you love at

It reminds me of 2001 Bessie winner by ZiG where Cam was willing to help busy women check their breasts.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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AnonymousCoward's picture

Except the Cam spot was funny, whereas this is just disappointing, yet mildly informative. Kinda like an ad.

caffeinegoddess's picture

Ugh...overstock....blows. But true. Cam also did a better job of speaking more to women. This definitely seems targeted at a male demographic (or lesbians) with the url and all.

AnonymousCoward's picture

Blatently targeting the male populace.

Dabitch's picture

No check out mine! *flashes everyone*.

caffeinegoddess's picture

*shutter snaps*...I'm off to eBay ;)

Dabitch's picture

Hey.. HEY! get back here you!

Dabitch's picture

Can I be utterly childish and admit that I laugh at commenting here as it shows up in the sidebar as:Dabitch on Check out my breasts!. Hehehehe. /beavis