"Check out Adland's amazing archive of super bowl films" SvD.se

Svenska Dagbladet: "K-Fed tog hem årets Superbowl" (english google translation here) - where Martin Jönsson also tells people to "check out Adland's amazing superbowl commercial archive."

Some articles about the Super Bowl commercial from tonight's news feed:

Advertising Age: watch all the movies - and watch a seven minute movie with reviews of all by Bob Garfield.
Vote for the best entries in the Wall Street Journal, which believes that this year's set of Superbowl commercials was unusually weak.
New York Times on the violent trends in advertising and its possible connection to the war in Iraq (?).
Direct report, quarter by quarter, on Adland. Also check out Adland's fantastic archive of 35 years of Superbowl movies.

Who won? Opinions differ, but the Nationwide commercial with Kevin K-Fed Federline, at least tops the lists of this year's snack ice cream.
And by the way: the Indianapolis Colts won, as expected. On the pitch, then.

"K-Fed tog hem årets Superbowl"
Martin Jönsson, Svenska Dagbladet.
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