Century 21 - Smarter Bolder Faster / Unicorn - (2012) 30 (USA)

Donald Trump gets outwitted, Deion Sanders gets outbolded and Apolo Ohno gets outskated.

Ad agency: Red Tettemer + Partners, Philadelphia
Client: Century 21
VP National Advertising: Chris McGeary
Sr. Director, National Advertising: Steve Gregersen, Sr.
CMO: Bev Thorne

Agency: Red Tettemer + Partners
Chief Creative Officer: Steve Red
Executive Creative Director: Steve O’Connell
VP Creative Director: Bryon Lomas
Copywriter: Mark Garman
Senior Producer: Joe Mosca
Managing Partner: Carla Mote
Account Manager: Cate Mahoney

Production Company: BEEF Films
Director: Joe Schaak
DP: Doug Koch
Art Director: Robert de Vico
Executive Producers: Ashley Adams, Stephen Hens
EP/Line Producer: John Malina
Production Manager: Breigh Kenley
Wardrobe Stylist: Anne Madden

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