Cats that look like pinup girls - using tumblr to attract people to your shop's FB page

At first glance Cats that look like pinup girls is your usual cute one-hit-tumblr-with a twist, Reddit-worthy instantly as it has the cat & pinup combo. (Which means it'll spill over to Huffpo, Jezebel and Metafilter too with any luck - which this did). But look closer, or heck, click an image and you'll notice that they all link to the facebook page of Hurly Burly Perth's clothing store in Mebourne, Australia. This is what "advertising" has come to in the meme-viral internet era, create a meme, brand a few images, and hope people will know your shops name later. Media spend: 0 - , I doubt they spent any money on the images they use either.

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Click.... I had to, I never visited a Facebook storefront. Okay, I still have not visited a Facebook storefront because I was redirected to the [dot]com e-commerce store. I am going to try parsing this for user (customer) satisfaction.

1.0 I visit cute pinup girls and look-a-like cats tumblr [two things I know a tiny bit about]

1.1 Click on "fishbowl" image.

1.1.1 LOGIN to Facebook window. [WTF!]

(note: Yes I can read the browser status line and knew FB was next. Still pisses me off.) So, I log in and get a nice FB page full of FB kind of stuff. At this time only the "fishbowl" image is a Facebook link. All other images are linked to store.

1.1.2 Click "Shop Online" [ https :// hurlyburlyperth/ app_201189479924274 ]

Wait one cotton pickin minute. What personal info did I just give up? Not a clue. No popups telling me the "app_" url thingy is sucking all my personal info into the store's or corporate Facebook's infobase (Personal = email addrs/phone#/real address/credit card type/contact list and more). NOTE: my FB is so "nobody but me can see or do anything". However, I am still pissed at the unknown.

The please wait while being redirected to store kind of message displays. DUH!

1.1.3 At the online store via Facebook side trip

a) I get it, social media & advertising & connect with customers.
b) Even though a) is understood, I can do without it. Any store requiring Facebook (login is required) must separate that from the shopping cart site (ecommerce). Facebook is a marketing tool and forcing a [new] customer to wander thru FB is "iffy logic". Sometimes folks just want to browse catalogue and buy something. Bot see all the behind the counter scene. Established customer is more likely to check that FB story out.
c) What is the takeaway? The pinup girl & cat from tumblr I will remember - cute factor. The online store I will recall because the products are niche and the novelty section reminds me of the head shops around the beach (from my youth). And, Hurly Burly are the proud sponsors of Miss Pin Up Australia

After a long youtube search I present the newest pinup kitten that needs a pinup girl poster: video length, 20 seconds

Of course the contest judge just wants to go home: video length, 17 seconds

No brain cells were injured making this comment. [end]