Turns Your Gold Lion Into COLD HARD CA$H!$$!$!$!, so brags the title of this video. Aaaah, snarktastic creatives mocking the lions, as sure of a sign of midsummer as linen suits sipping rosé on their expense account in Cannes is. So here's this video, joking that you can get cash for your gold lions (which, by the way, are not gold at all).
It's poorly executed and it certainly wont win anything so if they were going for that, congratulations. Two minutes and thirty seconds of bad soundlevels and silly walking shots repeated (I liked that, very realistic) later, you're either laughing with them or at them, take your pick. Or maybe you're crying over the seventieth version of the case study you have to edit late at night while someone else flies to cannes. By the way, there's no website at because why make the effort.... There's a lesson here somewhere as to why some aren't in Cannes right now.