Cartoon Network "The Real Hero" (2016) 2:04 (Bulgaria)

Ben 10 is a favorite children's show in Bulgaria. To promote the new series, GoBox Bulgaria created a stunt to get kids to do something special. Because Ben is a truly special boy.
They placed a branded green phone in the middle of a mall. And when it rang the kids would answer it. A voice on the other end would prompt them to follow the green footsteps where they would see two doors. If they walked into one door, they would get a prize for themselves. If they walked into the other door, they would give a prize to a child in need. Whenever the kid's decided to do something special for someone else, people around the mall would erupt in applause. If the kids decided to be selfish. the camera still caught that, it's just no one clapped for them. All told fifty kids participated in the one day stunt, and forty of them chose to do the right thing, which means there is sitll more good in the world than I thought. By the way, the prizes went to SOS Children Villages in Bulgaria. So good on Cartoon Network, too. Hope they made up the difference on those ten jerk kids.

Agency: gobox advertising
Client: Turner / Cartoon Network
Production: Never Know Productions

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