Carl's Jr "Pretzel Breakfast Sandwich" (2016) :30 (USA)

Is advertising regressing? No really, is it? Because in 1999, Pizza Hut was doing spots about New York with famous New Yorkers including Donald Trump and Spike Lee talking about what kind of food New Yorkers eat. Now we're learning all about what New Yorkers won't make.
Does any one in America really give a shit about New York any more except for people who work in advertising? Because I'm fairly certain we've moved past that, judging by the number of shops who have opened up here in L.A.

Anyway this spot shows someone wanting to order food that you can't get at a pretzel cart in New York. I suppose we should applaud them for moving away from the usual T&A spots, but this spot really is 1990's dumb. I take that back. The Pizza Hut spots at least had a concept: New Yorker's have big mouths. In this case, it's not like New York invented the pretzel.

So it's just half-baked. Thank you, you've been a wonderful audience.

Agency: 72andSunny
Client: Carl's Jr/Hardees

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Dabitch's picture

Half baked? DID YOU JUST PUN?

David Felton's picture

It's amazing how all these pretzel vendors are mic'd up.