Cannes Lions 2008 Showcase in Amsterdam - (2008) 2:05 (The Netherlands)

Saatchi & Saatchi Amsterdam produced this online film that was sent to all Dutch ad agencies as an invite to the Cannes 2008 Showcase to Amsterdam.

Trivia: That's my old office that the gorilla runs past in this scene. Seriously. For a moment there I even thought he was in my old office with the blue shelf but that's an office in the opposite wing. Me and another adgrunt you see hanging around here on occasion used to have a grand old time chainsmoking in there while concepting. Ah, those were the days. With all the old macs this video is like a time-capsule for me.

Amber : Editor
Miron Bilski : DoP
Magnus Olsson : Creative Director
Avinash Sampath, Magnus Olsson, Tim Bishop : Copywriter
Avinash Sampath, Tim Bishop : Art Director
Lars Fabery de Jonge : Agency Producer
Bryan van der Mark : Executive Producer
Director : Miron Bilski
Production Company: Comrad, Amsterdam. Condor, Amsterdam.
Marieke de Groot, Charlotte Gerding, Alfred Klassen, Erik Bobeldijk

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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