Directed by The Embassy's Ozan Biron , this stop-motion and paper craft inspired computer animation spot aims to engage and educate viewers about the CEPA and drive traffic to It reminds me a tad of the NZ Book Council - Going West back in 09. To add character and the look of real paper to the spot, the team at The Embassy deliberately added the imperfections that real folded paper would have - intentionally making the edges not line up, adding bits of tape, creating offsetting folds and warped edges of paper curling up.
Spot Title: Connecting
Client: Canadian Energy Pipeline Association (CEPA)
Agency: i2 Ideas and Issues Advertising
Creative Director: Philippe Garneau
Copywriter: Bruce Anderson
Agency Producer: Melanie Lambertsen
Production Company: The Embassy
Director: Ozan Biron
Executive Producer: Trevor Cawood
Executive Producer: Winston Helgason
Visual Effects: The Embassy
Editor: Matthew Griffiths
Editorial Company: Cycle Media
Sound Production: RMW Music