2004 is just around the corner. So now's a good time to think about your new year's resolution. But if you're thinking about dropping your smokes when the Times Square ball drops, think again.
The folks at R.J. Reynolds wants you to ring in the new year with their new cig. Click read more to see what Camel has in store for you.
Client: Camel
Stupid ad, nice tasting cig.
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PermalinkThe lad at the ad must be cold since he don't wear a coat though the smoker ban at the restaurants in NYC is what all the anti-smokerlobbyists in Sweden uses as example for their struggle to put the same ban here. (no I don't really understand how I manage to write such long lines but I haven't time to think again).
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PermalinkI dunno that I'd want the "bubbly flavor of New Year's spirits" in a cig...sounds gross.
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PermalinkI hate champagne, but the flavor was good. Don't really know how to explain it. Guess it kinda tastes like bubbly, but not enough to be, well, gross.
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PermalinkThey're gonna ban smoking in Sweden too? Strange, I thought since there are so many smoke-free cafés it already was banned.
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