Call of Duty Revolution. (2013) 2:25 (USA)

Created and produced by The Ant Farm, the trailer is the latest release in the energetic multimedia campaign for Call of Duty: Black Ops II. Pretty sweet downloadable content. Nice game play moments. This should get a lot of gamers revved up.

Client: Activision Publishing

Chief Executive Officer: Eric Hirshberg
Executive Vice President, Chief Marketing Officer: Tim Ellis

Senior Vice President, Consumer Marketing: Todd Harvey
Consumer Marketing Manager: Mike Pelletier
Associate Consumer Marketing Manager: David Cushman

Agency: The Ant Farm
Co-President: Rob Troy
Creative Director: Scott Carson
Producer: Ryan M. Vickers
Associate Producer: Davis Jung

Principle Cinematography: Jason Norrid, Rick Grubel,

Lead Editor: Joe Hubbard

Finishing/Colorist: Wren Waters (Therapy)

Concept: The Ant Farm

Mixing: Margarita Mix

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