
Association For Smoker Awareness (ADESF) - World No Tabacco Day (31 May)

Title of Ad: “Calendar”
Advertiser/Client: Association For Smoker Awareness (ADESF)
Product/Service: Institutional
Company Name: NEOGAMA/BBH
Art Director: Daniel Leitão
Copywriter: Silvio Amorim
Creative Director: Márcio Ribas and Wilson Mateos
Executive Creative Director: Alexandre Gama
Art Buyer: Mariah Bayeux
Photography: Shutterstock
Digital Retouch: Alexandre Correa
Artwork: Edgar Lopes
Producer: Daniel Terlizzi and Kiyoshi Takahashi
Account Manager: Luiz Tosi and Andreia Tecchio
Advertiser's Supervisor: Mário Albanese and Luiz Carlos Martins Mônaco

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