Created by Fallon Minneapolis, the "Look Again" TV spots chronicle the antics of "The Business Guys," three coworkers who encounter extraordinary personalities - including Cal Ripken, Jr. - in ordinary business travel circumstances. Ripken will make his guest star appearance in two spots which will begin airing nationwide on ESPN on April 2nd and on Turner Broadcasting beginning July 6th. The spots will run on ESPN throughout the end of the Major League Baseball season and on Turner Broadcasting through the Major League Baseball playoffs.
"We're bringing a few new elements to the campaign with the latest spots, which feature Cal Ripken, Jr. and a new female addition to the three 'Business Guys' team," said Joel Rodriguez, Fallon group creative director. "We couldn't have asked for more from Cal in an improvisational situation. He has a great sense of humor and played along perfectly with the action. That is the great part about an improv setting - you take what's clicking and go with it."
Ads and more on the campaign inside.
Behind the scenes:
Print ads, created by OgilvyAction, will appear in USA Today beginning the first week of April. The entire campaign will run until the World Series in October.
"My lifestyle requires me to be on the road non-stop, so working with Holiday Inn is a natural fit for me because I'm always looking for a comfortable, familiar environment where I can relax, exercise, and conduct business meetings. Plus, the Priority Club® Rewards loyalty program provides access to great experiences including a Major League Baseball auction where you can bid on tickets to the World Series," says Major League Baseball great and a 2007 electee of the National Baseball Hall of Fame, Cal Ripken, Jr. "Holiday Inn is an authentic, reliable, trustworthy brand that I feel great about representing and the ads are lighthearted and very funny, which made them a lot of fun to shoot."