Bugle Boys - The Go-Go's (1991) - 0:30 (USA)

"Excuse me, are those Bugle Boy jeans your wearing?"

This ad became a pop culture meme.

Client: Bugle Boys

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

Looks like I'm not the only one who hates this ad......

junyr's picture

Ouch. That is a little rough (ie 4 votes of '1'). It's the go-go's. It's bugle boys. It's early 90's. Give them a break.

Hate to see what you would give Huey Lewis for "It's Hip to Be Square"

Dabitch's picture

trust me junyr, I seriously hated it back in the early 90's as well. It's just one of them ads that rubbed me the wrong way. ;) I thought I was alone in that though, since the line "are those bugle boys..." has survived and become a pop-culture joke.

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

It became a joke because the ad was so cringe.