Brut - Late / The Essence of man - (2012) :30 (USA)

Man of the house is getting ready when woman of the house scolds him for tardiness, lest they be late. A *slap-slap* later it all changes. The line "What the heck did you just do?" is nothing like the Kelly Lebrock breathless "come on put it on" command back in the 90s, but I suppose the point stays the same. Manly man. He'll knock you up.... Wait, what? Oh my god he even got that poor dog pregnant. Potent stuff this Brut. I wonder if "Puppies" are listed as side-effects on the bottle.

Don't miss the other one Brut - Weather / The essence of man.

Advertising Agency: Sigma Group, USA
President: Shannon Morris
Creative Directors: Tim Stapleton, Nik Nikolov
Copywriter: Tim Stapleton
Art Director: Sabrina De Simone
Sr. Account Supervisor: Meghan Howell
Producer: Genevieve Gigi
Production Company: Directorz
Executive Producer: John Gilliland
Director: David Wild
DP: Joe Zizzo
Editorial / VFX Production: IceVFX
EP: Benoit Drouin
Editor: Yvann Thibodeau

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

I wonder if the casting ad read: Seeking man with nimble eyebrow and ability to raise it to cartoon character heights.

AnonymousCoward's picture

This feels like spec work.

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

It's certainly no Kelly LeBrock