Bruins 'Wolf Pack" (2014) :30 (USA)

The NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs are kicking off. And what better way to do so than to get The yellow King himself, Glenn Fleshler, to read the first two stanzas of Rudyard Kipling's poem "The Law for the Wolves."

It's a good spot. but I'm a bit tired of copywriters finding literature to do their bidding for them. No matter how well written and appropriate it may be, I think its a sign of laziness. And somewhere in London, Kipling is rolling over in his grave.

Agency: Arnold Worldwide, Boston
Client: Boston Bruins
Executive Creative Director: Wade Devers / Pete Johnson
Creative Director: Travis Robertson / Greg Almeida
Art Director: Travis Robertson
Copywriter Greg Almeida
Poem By: Rudyard Kipling
Producer: William Near / Rebecca Teitelbaum
Editor: Charlie Johnston / Lost Planet
Color: Tom Poole / Company3
Music: Hifi
Mix: Brian Beatrice / AudioEngine
VO: Glen Fleshler

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