BP logo redesign contest, mock the oilspill & collect 200

BP logo redesign contest

More mocking of BP! The Greenpeace logo redesign competition wasn't enough, now there's a brief up on Logo My way where you could win $200 if you come up with a more creative way of mocking that oilspill. There's already a few really funny ones among the 479 entries, like the dead fish logo, but you have two days left to get cracking answering the brief, which reads;

Top Three Things to Communicate Through Our Logo Design:
#1 Oil spill disaster - Toxic
#2 Death of wildlife
#3 Incompetence

Yeah, BP, after that oil spill is cleared up you're going to have your hands full cleaning up your brand. /obvious

Previous BP
The good news: Mermaids are real. The bad news: They are now extinct. #bpcares
Even car makers like Fiat hate BP now
Leroy Stick behind BPGlobalPR speaks out: The best way to get people to respect your brand? Be respectable.
If Cannes Lions had a "worst PR" category, BP and Israel would compete for the Grand Prix

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