The coastguard is an idiot.
Also, this is a really old "Swedish joke"* joke before it turned into a commercial script.
* I'm assuming it's a Swedish joke, as in Sweden we tell this joke about Norwegians who are in our joke-stereotype world, insanely dumb. In Norway, the opposite is true so they tell pretty much the same joke, but about Swedes. A classic is: "There was a power failure in Oslo, and two hundred Norwegians were stuck in the escalators for hours". In Norway, they tell this joke but the city is changed to Stockholm.
Can you tell that we truly love each other like siblings?
Agency: BTS United Norway
Creative: Torbjoern Naug, Pal Sparre-Enger
Director: Nic & Sune
Production: Motion Blur
Producer: Espen Horn
Editor: Christian Hvatun
Director of Photography: Nils Petter Midtun
Post Production: Chimney Pot
Norweigans are kings of this type of humor. IMHO, your milage may vary.
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