Behold! The GOVERnator is here!

After dilly-dallying whether to run or not, Hollywood actor Arnold Schwarzenegger,
formally launched his bid for governorship with a 60-second TV commercial. The ad is a run-of-the- mill political ad wherein he gets to deliver stirring lines. But he's acting isn't that bad.:)

Let's hear what he has to say

"This historic election has come about because there's a tremendous disconnect between the people of California and the leaders of California. We, the people, are doing our job, working hard, raising our families and paying taxes. But the politicians are not doing their job. We can do better than that. After all, we are California, always at the forefront of innovation. Our farm products feed the world and our technology is second to none.

I am running for governor to lead a movement for change, to give California back its future. I stand for fiscally responsible government, rebuilding California's economic engine, putting the needs of children first, reforming our political system so that the public interest comes before special interests.

I want to be the people's governor. I will work honestly, without
fear or favor, to do what's right for all Californians."

On the other hand, Arianna Huffington, an independent candidate, did a more impressive commercial in which she appealed to the people to think out of the box before they put their votes inside it.

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Dabitch's picture

is he wearing lipstick?

Dabitch's picture

On a related note; Taco Bell wants you to cast your vote. If you buy a beef crunchy taco then thats a vote for Ah-nold. If you buy a chicken soft Taco then it counts as a vote for Gray Davis.

oh, and if you buy a stuffed burrito it counts as a vote for the other 133 candidates.

adlove's picture

Yes, I think so. My American friend told me that it's kinda weird voting for someone they have already seen naked. :)

Dabitch's picture

Another related note: the California Recall Candidates Deck of Cards - everyone else has one.

Dabitch's picture

You read the article, seen the commercial, now buy the governator T-shirt!

Dabitch's picture

aaar matey, an ah-nuld shirt would suit me.