BBCx365: a poster a day based on BBC headlines

Johnny Selman has challenged himself to design a poster a day at, each poster is a reaction to a headline seen on the BBC news website, so Johnny updates his bbcx365 website everyday, come rain, come snow, come bland news headlines.

And he's not just doing it for his own pleasure, or to keep his designskills on his toes, he's got higher aspirations as seen on the about page.

I will light a fire that spreads beyond your fences and into your house. I will set ablaze your dormant minds. I will turn your preconceptions to smoldering ash. I am the arsonist that will wake you the fuck up.
I will do this by creating a more visually interesting vehicle for the news, use a credible news source (BBC), and promote, market, and network. I will design a poster a day for 365 days in reaction to a headline on the BBC news website and update this website everyday with the poster and the accompanying news story.
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