BBC 1XTRA - "monkey" - (2008) :30 (UK)

Having spent my youth drooling over every inch of "Tank girl", I'm dead excited that Jamie Hewlett did this. It’s awesome. It's rawkin' ossom, because it's Jamie's.
Screw people who think the opposite, I'm a loyal fan. Nyah!
For Audio fans, Damon Albarn did the score. Yes, that adds up to one slice of Gorillaz. How cool are the Beijing Olympics on BBC? Way cooler than anywhere else.

Agency: RKCR/Y&R, London

Damon Collins (Creative Director)
Paul Angus; Ted Heath (Creative)
Cara Speller; Deborah Stewart (Producer)
Director: Jamie Hewlett
Production Company: Passion Pictures, London/Red Bee Media/Zombie Flesh Eaters
Music: Damon Albarn

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Neaner's picture

Awesome awesome awesome.

purplesimon's picture

A mate of mine once went around a comic convention getting all the artists to draw penises. Jamie's is by far the best. The guy is a genius, IMO.

Saw this run the other day. If the actual Olympics are anything close to this, they'll be worth watching. I have a strange feeling a lot of the games will be shoruded, not in controversy, but in smog. And here's Pea Souper in the 100 metres.

Dabitch's picture

I must come down and hang out with you and your delightfully nutty mates one day. :))

I'm not going to watch the OL, just this video over and over and over.....

purplesimon's picture

I do have some fairly crazy friends. The same guy once held a beach party. No mad thing you think. Until you realise he lives in a concrete block of flats, on the third floor, in an industrial city. The nearest beach is about an hour's drive away.

He covered his whole ground floor of the flat in sand, got some paddling pools and filled those with vodka jelly and then invited his friends. Everyone had to have beachwear on.

His reasoning? It was a great way to get girls in bikinis into his flat.

Now you know why I'm friends with him :)

Dabitch's picture

I've done that but inside a huge concrete space in San francisco. And I only invited really fit men, oiled up and in teeny tiny beachwear. They may have only eyes for each other but I didn't mind one bit as long as the drinks were chilled and my view was awesome. ;P Ha!
As I recall that was the night we thought a song had the lyrics "deep deep boogers in my braai-aai--aain" and I can to this day not hear that song without collapsing into a fit of the giggles. So childish.

purplesimon's picture

Ah, that's where I know you from! ;)

alex's picture

You were there too? Small world.

RLDavies's picture

I saw this ad last night on BBC4. Great great stuff.

I have no interest whatsoever in the Olympics or any other sport. Not even sure when the Olympics starts, or if it's already started. But I REALLY want Jamie to do a feature-length version of the Monkey story.