The Battle Tee's are here!

Aaaaah! I'm exited, the battle tee's have finally arrived, tailored to each Battle of the ad blogs 2006 winners choice of color and size - looking mighty tasty - shiny too!

Now I'll just spend the wee hours here co-ordinating the right shirt to be sent to the right addy, as Advertka, Brainstorm9, Ernie Schenck, Adverblog, Adrants, IdeaMill, Russel Davies, rm 116, Design Observer, Typographica, Being Reasonable, POP! PR, freshly re-designed TTR2, PSFK, Bannerblog and the Igors from Snark Hunting are all probably wondering where the heck their tee's are. On their way mates! On their way right now.

Naturally, while I was at it I had to get me a "your rebellion" shirt and Clayton the king of words that red "Prooefr" t-shirt too. ;)

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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caffeinegoddess's picture

Super sexy! They look like solid construction too!

Dabitch's picture

Yeah, they're hella nice.

AnonymousCoward's picture
