The "Ball Girl" gets on ABC mornings (or something like that)

Ha! I love this, according to ABC friendly couch buddies "news"-chat - some "college coach recruiter" tried to get a hold of the "Ball girl", a.k.a the kid that was strung up on wires "or something" to quote the news-folks describing a viral video for Gatorade. A damned discreet one as well, the only time you see Gatorade is when she returns to her seat and there's a bottle on the ground.

For some silly reason, a video that looks as fake as any other fake video is being picked up by news shows, so lets all pat the director Pat Baker Smith (no pat-pun intended) and ad agency element 79 & partners on the back for doing a good job. Pat pat pat!
The funniest thing I heard about this ad so far was someone being miffed about the fact that it was a "ball girl" that did the amazing stunt, as if "us chicks can't super-hero like jump walls whenever we fancy". Right. I didn't see the sexism in this ad, and I squinted real hard too, but I did find it really weird that there was a sudden mention of a "ball girl", something that I've never heard of outside of porn before which sent all sorts of "it's an ad" bells ringing. Yikes, I must be old.

See also: Ball Girl Gatorade was once Powerade Tennis Ball.

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Neo's picture

Anyone here know if this is correct: From When ads go rogue which quotes WSJ:

The sleeker version of the ad (which was to carry the tagline: "Never Underestimate the Power of Superior Hydration") was supposed to air on TV. But the spot and online video were never green-lighted because the Chicago agency was dropped from PepsiCo's Gatorade and Tropicana ad account, according to Dennis Ryan, chief creative officer at Element 79. He says he doesn't know how the spot made its way to the Web -- nor does Gatorade.

Dabitch's picture

"Never Underestimate the Power of Superior Hydration" what the heck, is Gatorade the Volkswagen of drinks?