Audi - Letters - (2005) 0:60 (UK)

Director: Pleix
Production Company: Blink
Production Company Producer: Bart Yates
DoP: Patrick Duroux
OfflineEditor: John McManus @ Jonny Bongo
Agency: BBH London
Agency Producer: Michelle Kendrick

Post Production Company: The Moving Picture Company
Post Producer: Ben Stallard / Frankie Limata
Creative Head of 3D: Jim Radford
VFX Supervisors: Richard Nelson, Nico Cotta
3D artists: Mark Gregory, Rob Kobleins, Christophe Damiano, Matt McKinney
Digital Matte Painter: Dave Gibbons
Inferno artists: Christophe Allender, Frank Lambertz.
Telecine: Jean-Cl

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Dabitch's picture

The sound on this ad gives me a serious case of goosebumps. Oh-la-la.

James Trickery's picture

Yeah that's a great ad.

aiiobo's picture

Agreed. Wonder who voted it down? Or rather, why they did.