Apple pulls the genius boy wonder ads from the air, one weekend after they started

The Apple Genius ads, basically telling you that you're not a genius were not very popular at all. But that's not the reason they were pulled, as TBWA/Media Arts Lab tells Business Insider that this was the plan all along.

The ads were intended only for a “first run” during the Olympics, which meant just the first weekend of the Games, the rep says.

Sure it was. When doesn't a worldwide brand create three new ads with a brand new character universe and just spin them for less than a week?

Why I personally didn't like these ads had nothing to do with the actor, or quirky humor. It was the strategy that I felt was all kinds of wrong. I quote myself:

But this is all wrong, suddenly macs can actually be compared straight to a PC - you have now entered the ad-battle on software alone. It used to be that Mac vs PC was a fallacy in that one of them was a restaurant and one was a supermarket. You could create the same end result with the stuff found in the supermarket if you were a great geek, but most people aren't so they opted for the restaurant where they ordered up a super-thin laptop with all the fixings already installed inside. Now they might avoid it because of the snooty service. Try again, Media Arts lab.

And if you need help, Media Arts lab, I'd be really happy to lend a hand.

Apple Genius - Mayday - man has an anniversary and nothing to show his wife. Apple genius guy to the rescue.

Apple - Labor day - So this mans wife is in labor, and he needs a fancy birthday announcement.

Apple - basically - So basically this guy basically didn't get a mac at all.

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