Anti-SUV ads make it to Chevy's website

Chevy has created an online contest in conjunction with The Apprentice to have customers create their own commercial for the 2007 Tahoe. The site provides a variety of shots to pick from and you can customize the order as well as the copy, etc.

Yesterday CNET reported that the company isn't screening the ads too closely as at least two ad are on the site depicting the SUV as anti-environmental.

At the end of one of the ads, there's even a url for See the ads here.

Chevrolet's contest to get consumers to create ad content for its Tahoe SUV has attracted a lot of satire ads. The rules say any attempt to "undermine the legitimate operation of the contest may be a violation of criminal and civil laws."

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Apparently it was here on the Chevy website. Karl Long wrote about this at Chevy Apprentice - How Consumer Generated Content Can Bite Back and points to
developmentseeds youtubified version of the ad.