Andy Hall creates HD campaign for Pioneer completely in CGI

A52's Andy Hall teamed up wtih RPA for a $20 million national cross-media campaign for Pioneer Electronics which includes HD broadcast spots "Orbit" and "Wind Tunnel" in addtion to print/online elements.

Gary Paticoff, senior vice president, executive producer at RPA said, "Based on our ongoing relationship with A52 and Andy Hall, we decided to join forces to design and create a total CG developed execution for the two spots. Having worked with the A52 team on various projects, we were well aware of their credentials and abilities to deliver the cutting-edge CGI executions called for. It was important to position the Pioneer plasma products accurately in their appearance and performance while integrating them within the created environments."

"The brief from Pioneer and RPA was to make the imagery have a sense of reality so that no one would distinguish it being live-action cinematography or CGI," Hall explained. "The main aspects were to conceptualize Pioneer's evolution of technology, and to create a believable world in which they test and evaluate the performance of their products."

Summing up the experience on this project, Hall added, "More and more, we are experiencing a trend of clients coming to us to execute entire jobs, from start to finish, where everything from the initial concept design to the final layoff all happens in the same place, with the same group of people. Such opportunities to contribute our full talents and resources – like we have on this campaign – are particularly rewarding; we're already looking forward to the next ones."

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