Amnesty Internationl - "Dog's Life" - (2009) :33" (PORTUGAL)

This is Fuel Lisbon’s most recent work: “Dog’s Life”.

It’s a TV commercial for Amnesty International, about how fast the social injustice is growing in Europe (and Portugal, to be more specific). With the economic crisis and with so many people loosing their jobs, everyone - politics, journalists, NGS, society in general - should discuss this issue very seriously.

At the same time, creatively speaking, dealing with this theme was an easy way to end up with an melodramatic or biased message.

Tough briefing. But we think we solved it pretty well.

The “Dog’s Life” commercial has been broadcasted in all the major networks in Portugal since last week.

Portuguese Hollywood star Joaquim de Almeida (“24”, “Desperado”, “Clear and Present Danger”), was very touched by the project and agreed to do all the voice over in the spot.

One last note: the dog that appears on the spot is a canine star, one of the most requested “animal actors” in Europe, and was flown specially to take part in the spot.

Marcelo Lourenço
Creative director

Title: “Dog´s Life”
Agency: Fuel Lisbon
Criative Team: Marcelo Lourenço/Pedro Bexiga
Director: Rita Nunes
DOP: André Schankovsky
Art Director: Artur Pinheiro
Stylling: Carlos Soares
Make-up: Rosarinho
TV Producer: Miguel Barbosa
Accounts: Sergio Resende/Joana Gomes Pedro
Sound: Indigo

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(cute dog) nice twist.