AMF Pension - The good old days - (2008) :50 (Sweden)

That kid in front of the TV is like a flashback for me, I moved to Sweden in 1980 from the southern united states and could not fathom that there were only two channels, and to top it off, they only aired between six pm and midnight.

Worse, there were no ads!

I got my fix by paying attention to the government infomercial show "anslagstavlan". I thought it was like we had moved to communist Russia. Thanks a lot for the memories, Tomas Jonsgården (who directed this). 

Marcus Lindkvist : Editor
John Bergdahl : Art Director
Jacob Nelson : Copywriter
Magnus Kennhed : Agency Producer
Magnus Åkerstedt : Producer
DoP: Henrik Stenberg
Director : Tomas Jonsgården
Mikael Flodell : Executive Producer
Production Company: Flodellfilm Stockholm

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