Amazon - The show must go on (2020) 2:00 (UK)

This may be one of the first "holiday season" ads out this year, and if this is dictating the tone, I think we're seeing a few more ads with quiet optimism. This ad tells the story of a ballerina who gets selected for the lead in the holiday show, only to have to rehearse alone at home in the now-familiar lockdown. 

She dances in her room, on rooftops, in the rain, in the common areas of her apartment building, attracting the attention of a neighbor who admires her.
Then one day the fateful news, her performance is canceled. Her baby sister who has watched her sister's determination wants to help, and makes hundreds of flyers inviting everyone to watch the one night only rooftop performance. The community rallies to make this happen, the young man orders a bright spotlight flashlight from amazon and takes on the role of lighting director. Because, after all, the show must go on. 

It's very nicely directed, and well cast as Taïs Vinolo is a real ballerina, from France, but currently working in Los Angeles. The many rooftop performances and balcony music concerts that we have seen in real life during lockdown, may have inspired this story, making it feel quite real. 

Ad Agency: Lucky Generals
Director: Melina Matsoukas
Production Company: Prettybird Local
Production Company: Division
Editing: Andrew Morrow
Post Production: ETC
Sound: Sam Ashwell / 750mph
Music Composition: Peter Mauder

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