Alex Bogusky Resigns From MDC Partners - becomes creative cosmonaut outside advertsing

"We have enjoyed a long and tremendously productive partnership over the past ten years and have the utmost respect and admiration for Alex," MDC said in a statement. "We're confident that many important causes will benefit from his passion and brilliance, and wish him the very best in all of his future endeavors."

Adage reports that Alex Bogusky has resigned from advertising, to pursue other interests outside the advertising world.

With any luck, this means some other agency has a shot at the Cannes Titanium next year. No, I keed, best of luck to Alex in his future life, man deserves a break from advertising he has after all been at it since the eighties. When a man has had enough, and knows it, one should stop.

He'll likely be busy renovating his historic ranch and rocking his Birkenstocks.

Update: Alex Bogusky, Advertising's Elvis, Tells Fast Company Why He Quit MDC and the Ad Biz

According to Bogusky, “Miles [Nadal, CEO of MDC] started getting phone calls from some clients that didn’t like things that I had said.” Bogusky has annoyed Crispin clients before, most specifically when he published a book “9-Inch Diet” which protested America’s supersize tendencies—something that didn’t go over well with notable client Burger King and Domino’s (both of which are still with Crispin). These days he blogs and has a Web TV show called “Fearless TV,” in which he rails against genetically-modified food and questions consumerism in general. “Miles was cool about it, but to me I just thought this is going to happen over and over, and I’ve barely begun. It’s like, everyone’s got enough going on, so I don’t want MDC to have to deal with damage control. So Miles and I basically went back to plan A—retirement.”

Bogusky, Creative Ad Star, Is Leaving Advertising

Mr. Bogusky, who is 46, said he would not characterize his decision to change what he is doing in life as a midlife crisis, joking, “I’ve had so many.”
Rather, Mr. Bogusky said, “you start to search for the more genuine version of yourself” at a point in your life, “and I’m doing that.”
“I’m exploring and figuring out what is that genuine version,” he added, “and it’s not really consistent with corporate life” because in that realm “you’re kind of in the ‘get yours’ mode.”
“I don’t think I’ll do much advertising” moving forward, Mr. Bogusky said, because “I’ve done plenty of it; I’m not able to find challenges in it.”
“Mostly, what I want to do is participate in this cultural revolution that’s happening,” he added, “happening mostly outside of advertising.”

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