Afflicted Affleck Bounced from Beer Ads

Seems like an Oscar and a few lead roles was all it took to leave actor Ben Affleck drunk with star power.

After Affleck voluntarily checked into the Malibu-based Promises rehab facility for treatment of alcohol abuse (with the help of former occupant, Charlie Sheen) , Samuel Adams beer dropped him as a celebrity pitchman.

Considering his lead role in "Pearl Harbor," he might prefer kamikazes to beer. Nevertheless, reports of Affleck's activities prior to his decision to sober up would hardly encourage one to "drink responsibly."

After all, The Las Vegas Review-Journal reports that a blind drunk Ben won $800,000 playing three blackjack hands at a time. Guess the Good Will Boozing guy figured that as long as he was seeing triple, he'd make it work for him.

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