Affinity Plus-Underwear and Socks - (2011) :30 (UNITED STATES)

Twist Director Matt Pittroff shared his comedic flair with Affinity Plus Credit Union for their new spot “Underwear and Socks” that portrays the less than ideal world of banking fees. A wink and nod to the expression “losing the shirt off your back,” the repercussions of living with banking fees becomes clear in this hilarious interpretation.

Client: Affinity Bank
Spot Title: “Underwear and Socks” :30
Ad Agency: Risdall Marketing Group
Executive Creative Director: Lara Balai
Creative Director/Writer: Eric Kvalseth
Creative Director/Art Director: Matt Bergen
Producer: Tammy Auel
Production Company: Twist/New York & Minneapolis
Director: Matt Pittroff
DP: Steve Speers
President/Executive Producer: Jim Geib
Executive Producer: Amyliz Pera
Staff Reps: Kathryn Lotis, Rob Neill
Line Producer: Bob Metcraft
Shot at Landmark Center, St. Paul, Minnesota
Editorial/Postproduction Company: Schnitt Edit/ Minneapolis
Editor/Online Editor: Charley Schwartz
Online/VFX: Charley Schwartz (Schnitt) and Derek Johnson (Drive Thru)
Colorist: Billy Gabor (Company 3)

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AnonymousCoward's picture

That last item of clothing going is the funniest.