Advertising Must Work

"According to Co-op America, 'as much as 40 percent of bottled water is actually bottled tap water, sometimes with additional treatment, sometimes not.'

So-called purified water can be drawn from any source as long as it is subsequently treated, which leaves some to wonder how that differs from good old tap water.

The number one (Aquafina) and two (Dasani) top-selling brands of bottled water in the U.S. both fall in the category of purified water. Dasani is sold by Coca-Cola, while Aquafina is a Pepsi product. As U.S. News & World Report explains, 'Aquafina is municipal water from spots like Wichita, Kansas.'

The newsmagazine continues, 'Coke's Dasani (with minerals added) is taken from the taps of Queens, New York, Jacksonville, Florida, and elsewhere." Everest bottled water originates from southern Texas, while Yosemite brand is drawn from the Los Angeles suburbs.'"
So I guess marketing and advertising *do* work to sell products. ;-) I'd love to see the AAAA do a case study on this...beautiful example of the effectiveness of advertising and marketing.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

Some of us never buy bottled water not called "Mineral water" - and some of us also note who's behind the brand, thus avoiding Dasani and Aquafina alltogether. ;)

In other words, use your head and don't get had!

If the water bottle states "0 calories" it's a softdrink-water aimed at morons, probably straight from a tap and 'purified'. That's what your Britta Filter is for.